Welcome to ELJASIB Missions

As we see the world now hastily been prepared for the promised return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we must be sure we are part of the wise virgins and not the foolish virgins as Jesus spoke about in Matt 25.

Wise Virgins vs. Foolish Virgins:

Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. . Mat 25:1-13

Q: Do you have enough oil – Child of God?


Worship does not mean singing and music… even if it can involve it.
The “Rapture”
2022 Commonwealth Games Opening Ceremony
The Fulness of Christ!
A Call to Separation


Is Mormonism a cult?

Mormons history Mormons are a religious group that embrace concepts of Christianity as well as revelations made by their founder, Joseph Smith. They primarily belong

5 Reasons Why Woke is Broke

Wokeness is not surprising. It is normal behavior for a world filled with sin. But when believers begin to cave to the culture and blow

The Fullness of the Spirit

NOTHING CAN COMPENSATE the Church, or the individual Christian, for the lack of the Holy Spirit. What the full stream is to the mill wheel,

Calvinism, what love is this?

Dave Hunt’s new book, What Love is This? Calvinism’s Misrepresentation of God, turns this prolific author’s attention to Lutherans, Presbyterians, Episcopalians, Reformed Baptists — all those who

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses, also known as the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society (with headquarters in Brooklyn, New York), was officially founded in 1884 

"It is my opinion that tens of thousands of people, if not millions, have been brought into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ, and they have not been saved"
A.W. Tozer
"Holiness is not some lofty experience, unattainable except to those who can leap the stars, but it is rather a lowly experience, which lowly people in the lowly walks of life can share with Jesus, by letting His mind be in them"
S.L. Brengle
"A time will come when instead of shepherds feeding the sheep, the church will have clowns entertaining the goats"
C.H. Spurgeon
"Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people"
JC Ryle
"I have no right to say I believe in God unless I order my life under His all-seeing Eye"
Oswald Chambers
"Holy souls love seclusion"
Matthew Henry