The bright and Morning Star

The bright and Morning Star

In Rev. 22:16 the Lord says, “I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the Bright and Morning Star.”

This Scripture firstly refers to the human origin of Jesus as a descendant of His earthly father, David, and then also to His heavenly origin, from where He descended to earth like the light of the morning star that shines upon the world from on high. He became man in the royal family of David to be able to sacrifice Himself as atonement for the sins of all humanity. We don’t need to struggle on as slaves of sin and unrighteousness – the Son of David has come as Saviour to set us free. “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).

Jesus is not only man, but also God. Apart from His earthly father He also has a heavenly Father who sent Him as Saviour to a lost world. He came like the bright morning star which appears in the darkest part of the night, shortly before the breaking of day. Apart from the salvation and forgiveness of sins which He now imparts to people, He is also our hope of a new day that will soon dawn upon this dark world. Then, the sun of righteousness will shine, driving away sin, unrighteousness and all the evil works of Satan. The saints will inherit the earth and, together with Christ, rule over it during His millennial reign.

In Jesus we have a hopeful future, like the promise of a new day which the morning star brings. We should study biblical promises and look forward to this wonderful time. These prophecies shed light upon the present dark world in which we live, and also ignite a strong hope on His second coming in our hearts. Peter says, “We also have the prophetic word made more sure, which you do well to heed as to a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts” (2 Pet. 1:19).

Is the Lord Jesus in your heart, and do you have a strong expectation of His second coming? During His first coming He left His heavenly glory, came to the world and took the form of a servant to seek and save those who are lost. Although His love and saving grace were fully revealed to us, His glory as King and God were only partially revealed, like the light of the morning star during a dark night. At His second coming He will be fully revealed as King of kings and Lord of lords. In his vision on Patmos, John beheld Jesus in all His glory as the rider on a white horse, clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and His hair were white like wool and His eyes like a flame of fire. Nothing is hidden to them. The question is: do you also expect Him and are you ready to appear before Him? To be able to appear before Him without spot or blemish your life must be washed in the blood of the Lamb. He is the heavenly Bridegroom and His true church includes all those who are born again. They will share in His glory.

Prayer: “We thank You, Lord Jesus, that You, who came to the world long ago to die for our sins on a cross, are coming again in power and majesty to rule over the world. We are looking forward to that day, when You will transform our lowly bodies to be conformed to your glorious body. We have already seen the bright morning star above the dark horizon of our earthly existence, and accepted its message in our hearts. We now wait for You to come as the sun of righteousness to dispel all darkness form the earth. What joy to belong to You and to be part of a wonderful kingdom which You have prepared for us. The hope on your coming is an anchor of our souls, both sure and steadfast, and which enters the inner part behind the veil where You intercede for us. Our hope is to remain faithful until that day. Keep us from acting like the foolish virgins whose lamps went out because they did not have enough of the oil of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Strengthen us to let the lamp of our faith shine brightly in this dark world until You come again. Amen.”

Reverence: Johan Malan


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