In Touch Messenger

In Touch Messenger


I was lead to the Lord on 12 March 2002 by South African Missionaries affiliated to The Bible Methodist church in America. My hole live changed after that day. For the next 6 months I read the Bible day and night, I just could not put it down . My sprit was so touched by the Scripture and the Holy Sprit taught me everything about Jesus out of the Word of God.

There are so many Christians in Southern Africa that just do not have the funds for a Bible, I committed myself to always have Bibles in different Languages available  and started distributing Bibles as much and as often as I can.

In Touch Messenger


Early 2016 I was given a Messenger by my Pastor at Benoni Bible Church in South Africa. He told me to look at the device knowing I do Bible distributions.

I was very excided with the device being in English and another language and with a solar charger, this was ideal for the terrain we hand-out Bibles. The device is idea for a group leader sharing the Bible and messages to a group. the Messages on the Messenger are clear and simple and speaks strait to the hart.

Pastor Dan told Tom that I do Bible distribution and Tom arranged for me have 12 more. In Portuguese, French and Mandarin.

Victor Silvey


I gave Victor the 5 Mandarin Electronic Messengers because he works with the Chinese community. Victor gave his life to the Lord in 2008 and was baptised in 2010. Since then Victor has actively been involved in arranging translations for certain tracks and posters in various Asian languages including Chinese. In 2010 Victor did a mission’s trip to the Philippines and in 2012 visited Japan. Victor also distributes Bibles.

1st Shipment





2nd ShipmentVictor_2



Paul van Rooyan


I gave the two French to Paul. Paul was baptized in 2009 since then Paul ministers to the prisoners in Middelburg, Mpumalanga. He takes the Messenger to the Sunday services, and the prisoners listen to the messages. Due to it being a prison, we could not take a camera in for pictures.





Piet de Beer

Piet travels a lot through Africa and he assists in delivering Messengers to Mali, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Mauritius. .


Piet gave one French Messenger to a Christian he knows in Mali. We mine in West Africa and have a great opportunity to hand out Messengers in the area.


Mozambique Mission Trip July 2016. Many Bibles were handed out and the Messenger was distributed to Pastors that ravel per bicycle to home groups. Many of these church members can not read. They will use the Messenger for Bible study.

This is a blind Christian, he was so happy to receive his messenger.

Herman was looking for some Chichewa Bibles for Northern Mozambique. The Pastor has been baptized and nurtured by them. He was looking for 8 Bibles and we could give him some Chichewa Messenger as well.


Herman testifying how great our God is.

My dear brother in Christ Paul was admitted to hospital for open heart surgery, he has been in Hospital for 2 months now, I took him his Messenger so  he can listen to the Bible and messages from Charles Stanley.


The Messenger comes in very handy not only for spreading the Gospel but also helping feeding the sheep of God. My dear sister in Christ, Janet was isolated on a farm, the Churches in here area were having a lot of entertainment but not spiritual food for her. She is very far from me and i heard her cry for Spiritual food, i send her a messenger, and she wept out of thankfulness. The messages of Charles Stanly picked her spirit up again.



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